Is anybody here who doesn’t know Uber? Well if yes, let’s know it now! Uber, as the most popular and well-known PHV operator in the world, is still trying to cover more locations by hiring more drivers. This is a great way for those who are looking for a part-time or even a full time job to increase their monthly income. The best point of this type of job role is that you are the only person who decides about the work time! Apart from that, you can decide to work for longer hours if you need to earn more or choose to work less if you are not in the mood to work.
Read this article carefully as we are going to give whatever you need to know to become an Uber driver in London and get familiar with the requirements, terms and conditions.
Although Uber was not the first rideshare app, it made a big change in the transportation industry as it offers a vast service for both riders and drivers. In other words, it can be said that Uber is the most comprehensive PHV operator! Being fast, having a reasonable fee, more available drivers, etc. can be other reasons which made Uber become one of the best.
There are some documents and certificates you need to provide to Uber to be a member of them. This is the list of requirements which can help you better to collect. Besides, we are going to talk about them in more detail.
Driving licenses are clear for all of us, but you might be curious about PCO licenses. PCO license is a degree offered by TfL and examines your skills in driving, map reading, English fluency, medical health, background, etc. The test is held in one of the approved offices announced by TfL and once you get it, it is valid for 3 years. After 3 years, you need to renew it.
In order to explain PCO cars, let’s go through it with a little more detail.
A PCO car is an accepted vehicle by TfL which can be either a 4 door car or a minivan. You can use your own car as a PCO car if it meets the TfL requirements. But, it is highly recommended to hire a PCO car from PCO car hire companies such as G&M Direct hire as they are Uber ready. If you choose your personal car, you need to collect insurance and car health documents to upload on Uber website.
PCO car hire in London is not much challenging as you can find various plans and cars to rent with different rental fees and options. In this article, we decided to mention 3 of top PCO car rental plans in London to make it easier for those who want to rent a PCO car in London to decide. The plans are:
These three cars are sort of the most popular among the PCO drivers (specially Kia Niro PCO). If you are looking for a luxury choice, Mercedes Benz E-class PCO car is a nice choice with approximately £260 weekly rental fee, if you are up for a full electric choice Kia Niro PCO car is for £220 weekly rental fee and if you look for a more affordable choice, Toyota Prius PCO can be a nice option for only £150 weekly rental fee.
This is a frequently asked question by those who decided to join Uber or other rideshare companies to work. Well, they are right. There must be a clear answer for that. Here, we tell you that’s totally up to you to choose what car is better, but it is recommended to rent a PCO car since:
Did you collect all the documents and meet all the requirements? Then you are ready to apply for Uber. All you need to do is the following steps:
It is a very good choice for those who don’t like to be limited in their career to join Uber and work as a PCO driver. In this article we mentioned a step by step guide to join Uber, gave information about PCO cars and why to choose them and explained why Uber is getting that much popular each day. We hope that by reading this article, you would be able to make a change in your career and increase your income.